The Ice Cream Truck

A micro-organisation to learn security and privacy.

Security and privacy are huge domains, with many long-winded roads meandering around threats, risks, vulnerabilities, regulations, and many more concepts. It's easy to get lost. And when we're exhausted from walking around all these concepts to find how it all maps out, what better than a good ice cream?

The Ice Cream Truck

Let's take the example of a mobile ice cream shop to try to make things easier and more contained. I’ll use this hypothetical example to try and illustrate the different facets of information science, cyber security and privacy.

This truck is the brainchild of Jessie. It’s been a long-life dream to get this going. It’s a successful business, with many repeat customers who love the taste of the ice creams.

Here is how Jessie’s business is organised:

  • This truck sells ice-creams from different locations throughout the week.

  • The location will change regularly and be announced on social media. CBD on hot summer days, the beach at the weekends, maybe the local fair, the fancy food court, etc.

  • Jessie prepares the ice-creams from raw ingredients sourced from cherry-picked providers. Jessie is really strong on the quality and provenance of the ingredients.

  • Regulations around hygiene are strict, and a breach could shut down the business.

  • Only credit card payments are accepted using a payment terminal.

  • There is a screen showing the day's flavours and other messages.

  • The truck has been paid off.

I will continue to develop this scenario and then explore all the concepts I have covered based on it. So stay tuned, and register to the mailing list if you haven’t already; it’s free and low volume.


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